CS 4873C Spring'21


Computing, Society, & Professionalism


Schedule and Readings


Term Paper

View the Site on GitHub blairmacintyre/cs4873-s21

Homework 5: The New ACM Code

Due Date: Wed Apr 7 at 5pm
Format: Approximately 1.5 to 2 pages, double spaced, 12 pt font
Grading criteria: Completeness
Insight into ethical issues

Pick two changes in the 2018 ACM Code of Conduct that you think are significant (contrasting to the 1992 code). For each change, in about three-quarters of a page to a page, discuss why you feel this change is significant. If you prefer the previous version or would like to make further changes or additions to this version, explain in detail.

Come to section during the week of March 22nd (the week before this is due) prepared to discuss your opinions.